Snacks and meals
Feeding Anticipations
If Baby is back to their birth weight, you do not have to wake to feed during the night unless your pediatrician says otherwise for specific nutritional or medical reasons. Infants under 4 weeks who sleep through feeds during the night should be brought to the attention of a pediatrician.
Snacking is expected
Your newborn should be showing hunger cues and eating every 1 ½ -4 hours throughout the day and night. Newborns will usually have their first growth spurt around this time so you may notice an increase in your baby’s appetite or fussy behaviors. Sometimes your baby wants to “snack” at various times throughout the day and night, while other times they want a longer “meal” feeding. It’s perfectly normal for babies to eat this way.
Avoid “sleepy snacking”
However, if your baby gets into a pattern of “sleepy snacking”, it could impact the quality of sleep and cause more frequent wakings as a result of hunger. For this reason, you should feed your baby every time they wake, as soon as they wake to allow your baby to take the fullest amount of a feeding. If you wait too long after Baby wakes, there is a chance your baby will get sleepy during the feeding.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that your baby is getting enough calories each day, eating 8-12 times in a 24 hour period, and is gaining weight appropriately, about ½ ounce to 1 ounce per day.
Breastfeeding check in
✓ Has your milk fully transitioned from colostrum to milk?
✓ Is Baby latching well to the breast?
✓ Is Baby emptying the breasts at each feeding?
✓ Is Baby getting at least 6-8 wet or poopy diapers each day?
✓ Has Baby’s poop transitioned from black or greenish to a yellow color?
✓ Does your baby seem full and satisfied after a feeding?
If you answer “no” to any of these questions, or if you experience any pain during or between feedings, you may need to talk with a lactation professional.
Bottle feeding check in
✓ Are you practicing safe bottle preparation?
✓ Are you keeping Baby positioned upright and pacing the feedings?
✓ Is Baby tolerating formula well?
✓ Is Baby getting at least 6-8 wet or poopy diapers each day?
✓ Has Baby’s poop transitioned from black and sticky to brownish and more formed?
✓ Is Baby full and satisfied after a feeding?
If you answer “no” to any of these questions, or if Baby is spitting up a lot after feedings, you may need to talk with your baby’s pediatrician.