Little things make a big difference

Researchers have discovered the perfect nap length to avoid the post-nap hangover and grogginess. It’s called “sleep inertia.” Would you guess it’s only 10-20 minutes? That’s right. You can lay your baby down for a nap, plop down for a 20-minute nap and then get up before your baby does. If there are opportunities for you to nap longer during the daytime in those early weeks at home with a newborn, go for it!

Squeeze in a nap or two

With help at home, it’s possible for you to get 1-2 completed sleep cycles during the daytime, and 2-3 during the night. Track approximately how many sleep cycles you’re getting each day in the early weeks as your goal should be to get at least 4 sleep cycles within each 24-hour period. You will need to sleep during the day as well as at night in order to achieve this goal. With at least 4 sleep cycles plus recovery naps, you will set yourself up with healthy sleep habits in the early days of your parenting journey. Remember that naps are a proactive, healthy habit to help you be the best and most present parent possible.

Dream Lab:

Dream Lab:

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